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Our Organization

Our Organization

Our program is designed to go beyond the physical body.  While Beastie Boxing Gym forms an important foundation for our mentorship and guidance, the habits and mindset they develop through the BMoved Foundation is what they carry beyond the gym into everyday life.  The outcome?  The youth in our program become attuned to their bodies, while their mental  reward system becomes focused on small, incremental victories as they learn that nothing worthwhile comes easily.  They are shown that effort matters and that asking questions is a sign of confidence, that it’s okay to be introspective and strong.  They learn to appreciate a brotherhood that crosses socioeconomic boundaries and develop well-earned self-respect.  Each of these lessons helps them be their best in a wide variety of situations, and brings their discipline out of the gym and into their lives and everyday interactions.

Our Mission

Here at the BMoved Foundation, we strive to...

  • Deliver relevant programs for youth that will aid in their successful development

  • ​Provide scholastic scholarships for children with defined criteria; and track the success of educational programs

  • Introduce children to community leaders as mentors; through group and one-on-one mentoring programs

  • Partner and build alliances with public and private organizations to provide opportunities and resources that will broaden our children’s experiences via internships, employment and community programs that strengthen their intellectual, health and social well being

Why it matters...

  • 70% of local children don’t have access to after school activities

  • 20% of local children are left unsupervised in the afternoons and evenings

  • Only 76% of children in Los Angeles complete high school

  • 47,375 children are left alone and unsupervised after school

  • Unsupervised children perform worse in school, have lower self confidence, less ambition and stunted emotional development

  • 40% of all college athletes receiving scholarship money, transfer, leave their school or do not graduate.

BMoved Foundation Mission Statement

The BMoved Foundation provides zero cost to parent youth mentorship, counseling and guidance through athletic movement. We focus on disadvantaged boys and young men, with the goal of providing a strong moral compass that will guide them to excellence in all aspects of their life - academia, athletics, and as future family and community leaders. Self discipline and drive reside in everyone. Our vision is to help every boy and young man tap into theirs, and our method revolves around physicality and natural male competition. Men and boys are naturally competitive, it’s why so many play video games for hours on end. At the BMoved Foundation, we tap into this competitive nature and help our students find their drive, creating a positive feedback loop that makes them hunger for excellence. Nothing worth having comes easy. Self discipline and drive are undervalued in a world of instant gratification, but they are a core value of our Foundation. The lessons we teach happen in the gym, but the application is to every aspect of their lives. A strong self belief is a fundamental value of success, and a cornerstone of BMoved Foundation’s value system. To be a champion, you have to believe in yourself when nobody else will. -Sugar Ray Robinson Perseverance and failure handling. One of the hardest things for young people is knowing what to do when they don’t succeed. Uncomfortable as it might be, failures are a part of life. What differentiates successful people is how they handle failure. Here at the BMoved Foundation, our students face adversity; all of them will fail at some point in the program. By facing challenges head-on, they learn how to use their newfound drive to overcome. This is a core belief because it makes their successes feel even more valuable. Nothing that comes easy is worth having. Boys in our program fare far better than their peers not only in the gym, but in life. 93% have completed high school, of which 100% have gone on to earn their bachelors degree - many as the first in their family to do so. Through physical action, these boys learn to find and use their drive, hone it into ambition and self belief, and it shows in all aspects of their life. We work with children as young as 6 years old and continue with them into their college experience and early adulthood.

Our Founder

Cedric "Beastie" Jones (09.14.1977 - 10.16.2023)


Cedric was a loving father, devoted husband, caring son, brother, community leader, trainer, a father-figure to many, and an incredible friend who inspired us daily.

He had done it all. A former professional dancer turned boxer, his encouraging yet challenging coaching style focused on mental toughness to overcome and preserver. Be it during a workout or in life, Cedric taught you to forget the word “quit”, and remove it from your vocabulary. He had dedicated his life to helping people in and out of the gym; as founder of both Beastie Boxing and the BMoved Foundation, he inspired and helped people achieve what they previously thought impossible.

Unfortunately for us all, Cedric’s time with us has come and gone. He leaves behind a loving wife and incredible children. We ask that you join us in supporting his foundation and continue his legacy.

Our Stories

AJ Shopping Donations_edited.jpg

AJ found himself in a place of need when his mother's mental health drastically declined after his father's recent incarceration. When Cedric met AJ, he had no after school opportunities and only had unwashed, ill-fitting clothing, contributing to increased bullying at school.


Thanks to the resources and programs at BMoved, AJ now has a new support system, a closet of new clothes, and is enrolled in after school boxing. We are so proud of all of the challenges AJ has already overcome, and will be supporting him every step of the way as he continues to to grow. 

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